Annual Town Meeting
Every year the Council holds an informal Annual Town Meeting (ATM) to discuss town affairs and pass resolutions as necessary. All town residents and local government electors are encouraged to attend the meeting held in the Town Hall's Assembly Room.
The ATM presents an excellent opportunity for networking, meeting Sudbury's Town, District and County Councillors and staff, businesses in town, local charity and community workers to build new relationships and encourage collaborative working for the benefit of Sudbury.
Every year we focus on a specific project, campaign or issue that impacts our community and explores way to get involved.
Annual Town Meeting 2024
Friday 22 March
Doors open at 6pm
Presentation and meeting 6.30 - 8pm
Assembly Room, Sudbury Town Hall
Members of the public are invited to attend Sudbury Town Council's informal Annual Town Meeting which will be held on Friday 22 March at The Town Hall's Assembly Room.
We will be discussing various ongoing projects for the town including a renewed partnership between our Community Warden Team and the local Community Police team, the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) for Market Hill which will test and assess proposed changes to the layout of the space, The Moving Cinema project and other projects and proposals relating to the town.
We are also pleased to be receiving an update from John Kemp from te River Stour Trust of the Clean Water Initiave.
Members of the public are also reminded that our Full Council Meetings, that take place on the second Tuesday of the month at the Town Hall are open for all residents to attend. View upcoming meetings and Agendas here.